"Head into Northern
Kenya to Lake Turkana, on the frontier with Ethiopia. This area is home to Kenya's only nomads, which rely on
camel power to cross the Chalbi Desert, to the forested volcanoes on the edge of the Great Rift Valley."
"Go on safari!
Governors' Camps take you on a tour of their award winning lodges and remote camps throughout Africa. Head
deep to the Masai Mara of Kenya, catch a giant Nile perch, and visit the mountain gorillas."
Africa and experience this vast land up close. Although sometimes quite tough going, 'overlanding' is the
ultimate experience for the true adventurer. Large trucks transport you across the continent while you spend
the evenings under the stars."
"Go on safari in Kenya - Home to the Maasai people and
over 40 other different ethnic groups. Visit Kenya's famous game parks, including the Maasai Mara, Samburu,
Amboseli, Lake Nakuru, and Mount Kenya."
"Take a tour
of Kenya. Lonrho Hotels offers six superb locations from the famous Norfolk Hotel in Nairobi, to the privately
owned Sweatwaters Game Reserve and Tented Camp. Visit their lodges, meet the local Maasai, and go on a game
drive in this informative video."
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