"Cross Africa and experience this vast land up
close. Although sometimes quite tough going, 'overlanding' is the ultimate experience for the true
adventurer. Large trucks transport you across the continent while you spend the evenings under the
"Glide past elephants and
crocodiles as you canoe down the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe. Shearwater shows you the wetter side of
Africa, with canoeing safaris, whitewater rafting, river boarding, and even bungee jumping."
"Sitting on a high on a
plateau near one of the seven natural wonders of the world is the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge. It
borders the unfenced Zambezi National Park and an on-site waterhole attracts a wide variety of game,
including elephants, buffalo, impala and kudu."
"Zimbabwe is home to
Victoria Falls - one of the seven natural wonders of the world and many other attractions. Visit the
ancient ruins of Greater Zimbabwe, Harare the Capital, the great Zambezi River, and many of the
National Parks and game reserves in this video."
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